A verbal update was given by the Executive Director-Resources and Debbie Hanson, EY.
The Executive Director – Resources reported that last year when the draft statements were presented to the Committee, there were still a few areas to be finalised including the VFM work which is still outstanding with further work ongoing.
The audit of the 2020/2021 financial statements is now complete. A number of adjustments have been made and these have all been agreed.
Three areas of significant risk were identified: management of the GYN contract, management of the Market Place redevelopment and issues regarding housing stock. The Council has subsequently taken action to address these issues.
The report was unable to be completed until the independent report had been received.
Councillor Wainwright queried whether the delay in the 2021/2022 financial statement would have an implication for fees.
Debbie Hanson advised that it would have an impact but she had worked with the council and it would have no impact on valuations.
The Executive Director-Resources advised that there was a significant backlog of audits nationwide which was a problem that needed to be addressed and recent proposals have been announced to address the backlog, although these have not been finalised.
In response to a question from the committee, the Executive Director-Resources advised that a funding announcement was expected later this month. Funding is a challenging issue and painful decisions would have to be made. This would be considered internally and be brought back to the Committee at a later date.
The Chairman queried when this was likely to be.
Debbie Hanson advised that it was hoped plans on how to move forward would be ready by the end of October.