Mr Cannell addressed Council and asked the following question:-
The Great Yarmouth and District Trades Union Council would like to question what the Council knows about the quality of the water in the Trinity group of Broads, where the Boroughs drinking water extraction takes place.
Due to the spraying of various chemicals and the use of irrigation that takes place with local salad crop production on surrounding land, surely GYBC should be monitoring the situation by taking independent water samples. If you are not, then can you please explain why.
We own and manage Trinity Broads through a partnership with Norfolk Wildlife Trust, the Broads Authority and the Environment Agency regulate what we do. The EA would regulate the abstraction from the Trinity's whether for public water supply or agricultural abstraction. The BA would be for conservation.
Essex & Suffolk Water carry out regular, extensive sampling of these Broads which includes monitoring for pesticides and herbicides. This is carried out to check the quality of the water abstracted for Ormesby Water Treatment Works.
Essex & Suffolk Water also have Catchment Advisors, who work with landowners around Ormesby to understand their land use. This helps us decide what we need to monitor and keeps us informed about any issues for our treatment process.
The sampling data from the Broads is submitted to our regulator, the Drinking Water Inspectorate. We can provide this data if it helps. The Environment Agency may also know about the quality of the Broad water.
Additionally, the treatment process readily removes pesticides and herbicides. Our customer tap water meets the drinking water standards.
The Leader of the Council replied that the Council owned and managed Trinity Broads through a partnership with Norfolk Wildlife Trust, the Broads Authority and the Environment Agency regulate what we do. The EA would regulate the abstraction from the Trinity's whether for public water supply or agricultural abstraction. The BA would be for conservation.
Essex & Suffolk Water carry out regular, extensive sampling of these Broads which includes monitoring for pesticides and herbicides. This is carried out to check the quality of the water abstracted for Ormesby Water Treatment Works.
Essex & Suffolk Water also have Catchment Advisors, who work with landowners around Ormesby to understand their land use. This helps us decide what we need to monitor and keeps us informed about any issues for our treatment process.
The sampling data from the Broads is submitted to our regulator, the Drinking Water Inspectorate. We can provide this data if it helps. The Environment Agency may also know about the quality of the Broad water.
Additionally, the treatment process readily removes pesticides and herbicides. Our customer tap water meets the drinking water standards.
Mr Cannell asked a supplementary question to Council, as was his right. The Leader thanked Mr Cannell for his question and reported that he did not have any knowledge of the alleged spillage but would make further enquiries and get back to him.