The Committee received and considered the report from the Renewables Marketing Manager.
The Renewables Marketing Manager provided members with an update on GENERATE, and a summary of the marketing activity since the last Economic Development Committee meeting held in January 2023. This report outlines the planned activity for Q1 2023/2024.
Councillor Plant commended the Renewables Marketing Manager for the comprehensive report and commented that it was important to keep the momentum going as it would feed into the skills gap and enable jobs to be filled locally.
Councillor Wright thanked the Renewables Marketing Manager for the extensive report and stated that he supported everything in it. Councillor Wright commented on the amounts realised in relation to those in the pipeline and asked if the Renewables Marketing Manager could provide more details.
The Renewables Marketing Manager advised that some of the leads were relatively new but there would be definite progress by the end of the year.
Councillor Wright queried who the major competitors were and what they offered.
The Renewables Marketing Manager advised that competition can be in Europe and that some work was completed in Europe and then brought in.
The Director of Planning and Growth advised that work on the Great Yarmouth Operations and Maintenance Campus was commencing next week and due to last 50 weeks and that there would be further announcements in the coming weeks and months.
Councillor Cordiner-Achenbach asked if there were any risk implications regarding EEEGR and how great an impact it would be if the May event fell through.
The Renewables Marketing Manager advised that concerns had recently been alleviated, a strong team has been recruited and she was confident the May event would go ahead.
Councillor Plant raised a concern that EEEGR had asked for more money and were now going further afield and promoting Essex.
The Renewables Marketing Manager advised that a small membership fee is paid to EEEGR and a greater benefit is received in the form of reduced stand fees at international events.
Councillor Price thanked the Renewables Marketing Manager for her report and stated he was looking forward to companies signing up.
The Director of Planning and Growth advised that offshore wind announcements should be made in the coming weeks , and that advanced discussions are taking place with other interested parties.
Councillor Wright stated that he hoped that membership of EEEGR continued as they had produced a considerable amount of work and their work alongside GENERATE was established. He asked if the letter could be shared.
The Chair advised that he was not sure who the letter was addressed to, but he would find out and let the committee know.
Councillor Wright asked if the committee could guarantee that it would not withdraw from the EEEGR without a full discussion taking place.
The Director of Planning and Growth advised that membership of the EEEGR is significantly beneficial.
Councillor Plant then read out an email and stated that it needed to be understood what EEEGR are promoting if we are paying for it.
The Chair reiterated that he would look at the letter and see if it was possible for it to be shared.
Councillor Jeal formally seconded Councillor Wright’s request that a full discussion takes place prior to a decision being made to leave the EEEGR.
The Chair advised that as a proposal had been made and seconded, procedure needed to be followed.
A vote was taken with 4 in favour and 7 against. The proposal was not carried.
The Chair thanked the Renewables Marketing Manager for her report. He stated that GENERATE should expand their Social Media platforms to include Facebook as this would allow for greater exposure. The Chair thanked Councillor Plant and Councillor Wright for their comments.
That the Economic Development Committee reviewed and commented on the report.