Council received and considered the report from the Housing Director.
Councillor Flaxman-Taylor, Chairman of Housing & Neighbourhoods Committee, reported that following consideration of this report at Housing & Neighbourhoods Committee, this report sought approval, subject to a successful bid for funding via the Rough Sleeping Accommodation programme for capital and revenue funding to deliver a Transitional Housing Scheme.
The Transitional Housing Scheme would provide a self-contained home and support package for up to 2 years. For rough sleepers, and those at risk of rough sleeping, who have low or medium support needs to help enable them into settled accommodation. This scheme provides an important part of the pathway approach to ensure that rough sleepers are able to move from the streets to being able to sustain settled accommodation and to deliver a sustained reduction in rough sleeping across the Borough.
This scheme complimented the Housing First Scheme of five homes for rough sleepers with high support needs.
The scheme will be provided as a dispersed scheme on 2 sites through acquiring 6 homes providing a mix of 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom properties from a developer following their acceptance of the Council's conditional offer and the provision of 6 new homes on the Council's land, with a modular construction proposed for these homes.
Subject to a successful funding bid, the Council will seek to secure a third party to manage the homes which will be held in the General Fund and to provide the required support to our residents.
The confidential appendix provided further details on the 12 homes together with the costs of the scheme and details of the grant funding sought.
Councillor Jeal reported that he fully supported the scheme but hoped that the homeless would not have to pay the full rent payment as was the case in several hotels in his ward.
Councillor Myers requested assurance that a dedicated support worker would be put in place to assist the homeless with such issues as budgeting otherwise they would be set up to fail. Councillor Flaxman-Taylor assured Members that they would get the help they need.
Proposer : Councillor Flaxman-Taylor
Seconder : Councillor Grant
That Council:
Approve, subject to a successful application for grant funding, the expenditure and the borrowing set out at paragraph 4.4 of the Confidential Appendix to deliver the Transitional Housing Scheme.