The Finance Director gave a presentation regarding the Budget 2022-23. The Executive Services Officer would circulate a copy of the presentation slides to all attendees following the meeting for information.
Jonathan Newman, Chairman of the GYTCP, thanked the Finance Director for her excellent presentation which indicated that there were many projects on the horizon for the benefit of Great Yarmouth moving forwards.
Jennifer Baileigh, Anglia Flooring,asked for clarification of the dates of the next rates review as she occupied a three-storey building and could only operate out of one and was paying rates for two unusable floors. The Finance Director reported that there was no date as yet but Ms Baileigh could approach the Valuation Office at any time and request a review. The Finance Director agreed to forward the details on.
The Chairman thanked the Finance Director and her team for the all their hard work in the production of the budget and to everyone who had attended the meeting.