Attendees gave an update on a range of employability programmes.
Great Yarmouth College (Julia Howard):
- GYC are currently delivering a free training programme for small to medium sized employers as part of a £2.8m partnership project shared amongst six colleges. The project can provide for training needs analysis and bespoke training packages. The project is being supported by New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership, and whilst focussed on key growth sectors, it is accessible to any businesses, including voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations. Action: Ben Sampson to help promote the project amongst local VCSE employers.
- As part of National Apprenticeship Week (3rd – 7th March), the college are providing a range of events including an open evening beginning at 4.30pm on Tuesday 4th March. Other events include outreaching to schools and community venues and a breakfast event with employers.
- Both GYC and East Norfolk Sixth Form will be supporting attendance at the forthcoming Jobs Fair, which is being held at Great Yarmouth Racecourse on the 7th March, 10.00-16.00.
Local and Regional Strategies (Toby Matthews):
Business Growth Programme
£3.9m of business support across Suffolk and Norfolk.
The activity forms the enterprise element of the Ipswich and Norwich City Deals as was originally going to operate in just Ipswich and Norwich. However, we have worked to persuade civil servants that support should be accessible across Norfolk and Suffolk.
The programme is made up of five areas of activity: -
Small Grant Scheme
This is a £1.4m of grants to create jobs in SMEs and sits beneath the Growing Business Fund.
SMEs are eligible for grants between £5,000 and £25,000 at 20% of costs, and in return we ask that they create one full time job for every £10,000 of grant given. The minimum number of jobs created is 1, even if a £5,000 grant is given to the business.
The scheme is open to all types of SMEs (apart from primary agriculture) and has a simple application process, with support for applicants.
The final date for applications is March 2015, as all grants have to be claimed by June 2015.
Business Start-ups
£750,000 of funding to increase start-up levels across Norfolk and Suffolk.
In-depth start-up support will be provided by provided by MENTA and NWES, including one to one support, advice and training.
The programme will link to other business support activity to ensure that those taking part receive the support they require once they have started their business.
Innovation Voucher Scheme
£750,000 of support to increase levels of innovation through the provision of specialist support from UCS, UEA and NUA.
The scheme will provide support valued between £5,000 and £20,000, with businesses having to provide match at a 1:1 ratio.
Support will include a wide range of activity, including access to mentors, internships, consultancy, and use of facilities.
Innovation Readiness Programme
Two specialist innovation advisors will be employed to provide advice and guidance to SMEs to sign post them local, national and EU innovation support and schemes, with an aim to double take up of innovation support across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Growth Hub
The Growth Hub will for the umbrella under which all future businesses support will be delivered across Norfolk and Suffolk. The idea of the hub is to provide a framework under which a wide range of public and private business support activity can be easily accessed by business.
By taking a ‘No Wrong Door’ approach to business support; businesses will be able to access a wide range of business support, whoever they contact, as the Growth Hub will make cross referral between partners easy.
To ensure that businesses have good access to support, wherever they are located, nine Growth Coordinators (including the two innovation advisors) will based across the whole of Norfolk and Suffolk, with hotdesks located geographically around bot counties. The sole aim of the coordinators is to signpost businesses to the wide range of business support, so they receive the support they need quickly and effectively.
There will also be a new Growth Hub website, build on the www.bizinfoportal.co.uk, where businesses can register and gain access to dedicated business support and guidance tailored to their business needs. There will also be access to a national business support telephone line (0300 456 3565), which will link back to the national and local support found on the website.
The Growth Hub will be delivered on behalf of New Anglia by Suffolk Chamber, with a new CMS system on track businesses through the different stages of business support.
Over the next year, the Growth Hub will engage with 3,000 businesses across the LEP area, with Growth Hub activity being rolled out from February and April 2014.
All Trades Training (Jeanna)
Jeanna explained that ATT’s pre-employment support offer is increasingly focussing on apprenticeships. They are also offering fully funded 1 day courses in health and safety and food hygiene.
The group then held a discussion on the current challenges relating to apprenticeships for employers and providers, and how these could be overcome.
Linked to this, the group agreed to set up a working party to take forward a more joined-up approach to help connect young people and their communities to future employment growth and in particular, the growth opportunities presented by the Enterprise Zone, Offshore Energy, and the Greater Norwich City Deal. Action: Paul to coordinate.
Target Opportunities and the Coastal Communities Fund (Ben Sampson)
Ben updated the group on the employability element of the Coastal Communities Fund project, which is on course to achieve 150 job outcomes per annum. The job conversion rate of 20-25% appears to be holding up, despite the increase in longer term unemployed people who are now accessing the programme after they have left the Work Programme. This conversion rate was seen as positive news.
Ben also reported that they have seen at least a 100% increase in presentations made by people who are living with their families. A link to welfare reform measures was drawn.
Benefit and Debt Advice (Jo Howes)
Jo provided a summary of the current work being undertaken by DIAL, and in particular, on the advice and benefit work they are providing to people who are being affected by welfare reform measures, including changes to housing benefit. Action: Jackie to meet with Jo to discuss Job Centre rules on sanctioning, along with other related measures.