Standard Items
To receive any apologies for absence and introductions for new Members.
Apologies for absence were received from Clare Winter, Heather Sayer, Tom Weal and Kate Platt.
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2013.
The minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2013 were confirmed.
To consider any matters arising from the above minutes which are not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
There were no matters arising from the above minutes which were not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
Active Norfolk colleagues will report on County initiatives including Alternative Village Games, Satellite Club Hubs update, School Winter Games and Workplace Challenge.
Ben Jones reported on the following items:-
- The Inclusive bid had been recently submitted to Sport England and the outcome of this will be known in April.
- Activity is being developed for the Community Hubs: Lynn Grove would be holding Rugby, Great Yarmouth High School would be holding Girls football, Gymnastic and Badminton. Caister High would be holding Ladies Netball.
It was reported that Active Norfolk had been working with Badminton England to set up a network in Great Yarmouth for participation in Badminton.
The School Winter Games would be held between 7-14 March with 15,000 Norfolk School children taking part. Further information can be obtained on the website at
Coach Education Courses are being delivered at Broadland Sports Club Fleggburgh but an alternative central location venue was being sought and partners were asked for any suggestions.
Laurie Hull was due to retire at the end of January. The Partnership recorded their thanks to Laurie for all his work and support to Great Yarmouth.
Alex Bond reported that the Coach Education week would be held on 7-14 April 2014 : all coaching course would be advertised in the Coaches Voice.
A Village Games Roadshow would be held on 10th April 2014 at the MESH centre, Magdalen Way, Gorleston from 1-4pm.
The Workplace Challenge leaflets and posters were tabled for partners information.
It was reported that the closing date for the next phase of applications for Sportivate funding was Friday 17 January 2014.
Marten Payne will report on recent changes to the local ECCHC delivery structure.
Marten Payne reported that he was now responsible for both Adult and Children's physical activity programmes.
He reported that an average of 700 school children a term were involved with their project activities.
With the Adult Programmes, 3,200 interventions were carried out through referrals.
Marten reported that they were half way trough a healthy weight pilot and that funding had been agreed to continue with this. It was originally capped at 155 people but they are now able to see more people aged 5-18.
Adult Exercise Referrals are for people with a BMI over 30 and Children's Exercise Referrals are for children with a BMI from 25-65.
32 new volunteers had been trained and helped into work through three schemes.They were waiting to see if they would receive funding to run five more projects for 18-24 year olds. They were also looking for exit routes for CSA level 2 courses.
From April -April 31,186 adults had attended sessions with 500 new clinical referrals.
The Culture, Sport and Leisure Manager will give a verbal report on future events planned for 2014.
The Culture, Leisure and Sport Manager reported on
the following the following events being held in the Borough:-
W/C 13 Jan 2014
Active Norfolk Bowls Road show at the Forum Norwich
23 March 2014
Sport Relief Mile on the Golden Mile, Great Yarmouth
13 April 2014
East Coast Triathlon
21 May 2014
F.E. Beach Festival
25 May 2014
Cycle Challenge Activating CIC
31 May/1 June 2014
Soccer on the Sands
6-15th June 2014
Great Yarmouth Arts Festival
13 June 2014
Corporate Games
22 June 2014
Great Yarmouth Village Games
13 July 2014
County Village Games finals
6 August 2014
National Play Day
6/7 September 2014
Maritime Festival
20/21 Sept 2014
Out There Festival
19 October 2014
East Coast 10k Run
The Partnerships Officer for Great Yarmouth Borough Council will give a verbal report.
The Council Partnerships Officer reported on the following:
During the Hate Free Norfolk Week from 3-7 March a Human Library event would be held at the Town Hall and partners were asked for books who were over 18 and had a story to tell, also a request was made for Librarians who were CRB checked.
Equal Lives would be launching a youth cafe on alternate Saturdays in Great Yarmouth which was alternating between Great Yarmouth and Norwich on Saturdays and this would be for 14-25 year olds with disabilities.
It was reported that the Disability Event arranged by the Special Olympians was a huge success and Clare Winter and Heather Sayer would be providing the partnership with an update on this at the next meeting.
Marie Hartley will report on any progress made on the Street Games UK Doorstep Sport Clubs proposal.
It was reported that the current position with Street Games UK was that Norfolk Future Youth wanted to support this but there was a resource implication and a lead partner was required. The Culture, Leisure and Sport Manager had informed Andrew from Street Games UK that they were keen to progress this to progress this project in the Borough.
Partners are invited to report on any relevant items.
(i) MAP
The Youth Advisory Board deadline for Community funding was November and funding had now been allocated. The Youth Advisory Board was setting priorities for April and would be going out to tender for the money that they would be receiving in April with the two priority areas aimed at youths at risk of neet or in care.
A music project for looked after children aged 11-25 years old was being held at the Salvation Army Centre and are available for events.
(ii) East Norfolk School Sport Partnership
The Winter School Games would be held from 7 - 14 March 2014 and the Summer School Games would be held from 31 June - 4 July 2014.
(iii) Norfolk Future Youth
Michelle Gibson reported that they were running the same projects and that the football was going well especially with the Portuguese Community and sessions were being held on Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons.
The YMCA GOYA project had been running for a year now and a successful bid had been secured for funding a "Life Ready" project for five years to take over from the GOYA project.
Girls Aerobics (exercise to music) classes would be starting soon and would be held once a week at the Marina Centre.
Motivational defence classes would be starting soon and would be funded through Sportivate.
Afro Luso had been part funded to hold dance classes in the new dance studio.
(iv) Councillor Sutton
A public meeting will be held on the 20th January 2014 relating to the Beaconsfield Recreation Ground.
(v) Lynn Grove School
Adrian reported on the Kicks Project being held on Tuesday nights and Lynn Grove which had 50 people per session. They would now be running a girls only session on Friday nights.
With the inspired facilities funding, refurbishment of the outdoor hard court was now taking place and the permanent lines going down in March.
(vi) Section 10 Monies
The Council's Play Officer reported on how Section 106 monies had been recently spent on replacing and upgrading GYBC play areas and equipment.
(vii) GYSLT
Wayne Nixon reported on the GYBC funded Marina Centre refurbishment programme in progress : that four new boilers had been fitted along with cavity wall insulation being installed. Both of the centres car parks would be operational by Easter. LED sports hall lights would be installed along with new flooring. The Gym would be extended in February. A new bespoke inflatable was being designed for the centre.
He also reported on the Phoenix Pool that a Pool cover had been installed and the changing rooms were being renovated with new cubicles.
(iix) East Norfolk Sixth Form College
A world skills sports coaching competition had been arranged. Futsal and Rush Hockey were being held and Rush Hockey had attracted 9 teams of 7 students.
Sportivate basket ball and netball activities were being run and a third football team had been set up.
(ix) Great Yarmouth College
Great Yarmouth College had submitted a Sport England Inspired Facilities bid to refurbish the Sports Hall.
(x) Schools Project
An e-mail was sent to all partners before Christmas about the Yarmouth Cluster Pop up Gym Schools Project which asked partners to contact Head Teacher Mel Fearns about the activities they were carrying out and to link up with the local schools.
To confirm the date and time for the next meeting as per the proposed programme of dates for 2014 meetings: 12th March, 14th May, 9th July, 10th September, 12th November.
It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on 12th March 2014.
Partners have the opportunity to network/meet/discuss with fellow colleagues to explore joint working opportunities and ensure a co-ordinated approach to local delivery.
Partners used this opportunity to network.