
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Policy and Resources Committee
11 Jun 2019 - 18:30 to 20:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To receive any apologies for absence. 



Apologies for absence were received from Councillor T Wright.





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There were no declarations of interest declared at the meeting.



3 pdf MINUTES (57Kb)


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 19 March 2019.





The minutes of the meeting held on the 19 March 2019 were confirmed.



4 pdf FORWARD PLAN (22Kb)


Report attached.







The Committee received and considered the forward plan.


It was agreed that the item relating to North Quay be removed from Forward Plan. It was that a Full Member briefing would be held on the 4th July at 5pm to discuss this matter and then this would be taken to Full Council for consideration.




Report attached.





The Committee received and considered the Project Manager’s report which asked the Policy and Resources Committee to note and approve for recommendation to Full Council the fees and charges for the Town Hall and the Waterways Memorials for 2019/20.

Councillor Wainwright felt that fees for those people wishing to hold a private party should also be considered as well as wedding functions. The Chairman advised that the Head of IT would be bringing a further report to the Committee to discuss this matter.

Councillor Plant advised that this report had been brought forward due to the contract for the catering and functions facility coming to an end.


Councillor Plant referred to the benches within the Borough and suggested that the charges needed to be Borough wide not just set for the Waterways. The Chief Executive Officer advised that there was a need for a consistent charging scheme for these facilities but suggested this be looked at a later date.

Councillor Hammond suggested that the charge for the hire of rooms at the Town Hall be set at the same for both Friday and Saturday evening events.

Councillor Wells asked with regard to the timescales for the wider report being brought back to the Committee. The Chief Executive Officer advised that this would be an operational report and not a Committee report, but that comments from the Committee would be feedback to the Head of IT, Marketing and Events.

Members discussed the proposed fees for room hire of the Assembly Rooms and the packages that could be provided.

Councillor Williamson questioned the current contract at the Waterways and asked whether the operators of the facility would want to extend their facilities offered. The Project Manager advised that they were exploring opportunities on this matter.



That the Committee recommend to Full Council the fees and charges for the Town Hall and the Waterways Memorials for 2019/20.




Report attached.





The Committee received and considered the Strategic Director’s report which provided Members with an update on the activities of Equinox Enterprises Ltd.


Councillor C M Walker asked with regard to the vandalism on the site, the Strategic Director advised that a 24 hour security guard has been appointed to survey the site although some cases of vandalism have still occurred although have declined slightly he also advised that this has been reported to the police.


Councillor Hammond asked with regard to potential purchasers and he was advised that 29 interested parties have been contacted by Bycrofts Estate Agents.


Councillor Plant advised that the site provided a different offer to other local developers and that phase 2 on the site was being progressed.


Councillor Walker asked with regard to phase 2 and 3 and whether the Council had put plans together to ensure continuation of the site, the Strategic Director advised that the Head of Property and Asset Management would be bringing a report back to the Committee in September which would include a range of options and that it was hoped these would be continuous.


Councillor Wainwright asked whether phase 2 and 3 would include rental properties, reference was made to 2.7 within the Strategic Director’s report whereby a rental company would be a separate entirety company as part of Equinox Enterprises where the Council could hold separate market rental properties for those residents who do not wish to buy a property.




That the Committee note the update of activities of Equinox Enterprises Ltd.




Report attached.





Members considered the Strategic Director’s report which provided a summary with regards to the Council’s performance against the priorities in the Plan and its key performance measures for 2018/19


Councillor Williamson asked in relation to the Development of surface water drainage programmes Surface Water Drainage, the Strategic Director advised that this matter had been chased with Anglian Water but a response had not been received to date. Councillor C M Walker pointed out the importance of this measure being addressed. It was agreed that a letter be sent from the Policy and Resources Committee to Anglian Water to reiterate the concerns raised with regard to this measure.


Councillor Plant referred to the report and stated that in his opinion the figures were heading in the right direction in that a number of the measures were within green and amber.


Councillor Wainwright referred to the Fair funding review measure being highlighted as green and raised concern with regard to the way forward in light of the unknown with national government. It was advised that this was a measure of the Council and that the Council had completed all necessary objectives for this measure. The Finance Director advised that this measure was with regard to 2018/19 targets. Councillor C M Walker asked if there was an impact in not knowing the outcome of national government, the Finance Director advised that budgets had been modelled around potential impacts.


Councillor Plant commented that the work Officers had undertaken with regard to budgets and reports coming forward remained positive and that Officers were continuing to work hard to ensure the future of the Town Centre.


Councillor Wainwright referred to HN05 and asked whether these measures were reported directly from GY Norse. The Strategic Director advised that this measure was collated on the number of residents who had completed a survey and pointed out that not all residents completed survey requests. It was suggested that the Housing and Neighbourhoods Committee investigate this matter. Councillor Wainwright then referred to HN09 disabled facilities grant, the Chief Executive Officer advised that the figures listed were based on an average and reassured Members that the Housing Director was working hard to bring the figure down in line with the County Council.


Councillor Hammond commented with regard to the satisfaction surveys and suggested that these should be sent back to the Borough Council and not directly to Norse, it was also suggested that this could be completed on line. Councillor Grant advised that an online app was being looked into with regard to this matter.





  1. That the Committee approve the Annual Performance Report 2018/19.


  2. That Service Committee’s will receive quarterly update reports on all key projects and performance measures during 2019/20 with the aim obtaining/maintaining a green status (on target) on all key projects and performance measures.




Report attached.





The Committee received and considered the Finance Director’s report which presented the treasury management activity for the 2018/19 financial year.


The Finance Director advised that some training would be undertaken for Members with regard to Treasury Management.


 Councillor Wells asked with regard to short term borrowing and what the Councils description of the short term loan, the Finance Director advised that this was one year.




That the Policy and Resource's Committee recommend to Council that approval be given to  the Treasury Management outturn report and indicators for 2018/19.




Report attached.





The Committee received and considered the Finance Director’s report which presented the draft outturn position for the General fund, Housing Revenue Account and Capital Programme for the 2018/19 financial year.


The Finance Director passed on thanks to the Finance Team for their hard work.


In discussing the report, Members were advised that an additional recommendation for an allocation of funding to be set aside for events was to be considered. Some concern was raised with regard to this additional funding requirement in light of the upcoming BID renewal process. The Chief Executive Officer advised that the funding would be set aside to underwrite any commitments made by the Bid in case of an unsuccessful Bid process. 


Councillor B Walker asked who would be organizing the Maritime Festival, the Chief Executive Officer advised that there was a separate Maritime Festival Committee who will oversee the running of the event.




That the Policy and Resources Committee recommend to Council :-

1) The outturn position for the general fund revenue account for 2018/19 as included in the report and appendices;


2) The transfers to and from reserves (general and earmarked) as detailed within the report and Appendix along with an updated reserves statement (Appendix C);


3) Transfer the surplus of £307,262 to the general reserve;


4) The financing of the 2018/19 capital programme as detailed within the report and at Appendix D;


5) The updated capital programme 2019/20 to 2021/22 and the associated financing of the schemes as outlined within the report and detailed at Appendix E.


6) The approval of the allocation of £30,000 from year end surplus to underwrite the commitments for the 2019-20 events, pending the outcome of the BID ballot.




Report attached.





The Committee received and considered the Finance and Strategic Director’s report which presented for approval the future provision of the procurement service for the Council to be provided by South Norfolk District Council.


Councillor Williamson asked whether the Council would move away from the digital procurement portal and it was advised that this would be looked into and developed.


Councillor Wells asked with regard to the merger of South Norfolk and Broadland District Council, the Finance Director advised that Broadland District Council do not have their own procurement service.




  1. That Policy and Resource approve under section 113 Local Government Act 1972 the proposal for South Norfolk Council to undertake the Council’s procurement function up to May 2022 subject to a formal agreement being put in place between the parties;


  2. That an agreement be developed between Great Yarmouth Borough Council and South Norfolk Council to support the proposal with authority being delegated to the Finance Director and the Monitoring Officer (acting jointly) to determine and sign the terms of the agreement.




Report attached.





The Committee received and considered the Corporate Services Manager's report which asked Members to approve revised versions of the Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act Policies.




That the revised policies be approved.




Report attached.





Members considered the Corporate Services Manager's report which sought to advise Members that no requests had been made for surveillance to be undertaken under the Regulatory Investigatory Powers Act 2000 for the financial year 2018-19.




That the report be noted.



To consider any other business as may be determined by the Chairman of the meeting as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.



Councillor Williamson raised some concern with regard to the Litter on the Gorleston Bypass, the Chairman advised that this was an ongoing issue whereby Highways England once cutting the grass are supposed to inform GYBS that this has been undertaken.


Councillor Plant asked whether Highways could be approached to clean and sweep the road to avoid any further negative outcome. The Committee agreed that the Chief Executive Officer approach Highways on this matter.



In the event of the Committee wishing to exclude the public from the meeting, the following resolution will be moved:-

"That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12(A) of the said Act."


Attended - Committee Members
No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.





Councillor Smith (in the Chair); Councillors P Carpenter, Flaxman-Taylor, Grant, P Hammond, Myers, Plant, Wainwright, B Walker, C M Walker, Wells, and Williamson.


Also in attendance :


Mrs S Oxtoby (Chief Executive Officer); Mrs K Watts (Strategic Director); Mr N Shaw (Strategic Director); Mrs K Sly (Finance Director); Ms C Whatling (Monitoring Officer), Mrs L Snow (Capital Projects and Senior Accountant), Mrs C Sullivan (Project Manager) and Mrs S Wintle (Corporate Services Manager)



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