
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Safer Communities Delivery Partnership
27 Nov 2013 - 11:00 to 11:45
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
1 pdf Minutes (163Kb)
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2013

The minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2013 were confirmed.

Action 3 - Save Haven.  This action was discharged as there was no further evidence to support the need for a Save Haven.

Action 5 - Working with Leeway to talk to the James Paget Hospital to address any concerns they have and to try and encourage them to have an Independant domestic violence adivsor, there was no further action requried on this.

Action 6 - Inspector Cheshire to ask a representative from Family focus to attend the next meeting to give a presentation.  It was agreed that this was an ongoing action.

Action 7 - Inspector Cheshire to link in with the OPD nad youth Offending Team, it was agreed that this was an ongoing action.

Action 8 - That a sub committee formed to look at a new terms of reference for hte partnership - this action be discharged as dealt with under item 2 of the agenda.   
To consider the attached report.
The Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods reported that a sub group had met to discuss the future of the Safer Communities Partnership. The sub group considered the following concerns:-

* Does the partnership duplicate work and discussions being held elsewhere?
*Are there benefits in coming together as a partnership?
*Are the right organisations represented at the right level?

The sub group then considered the following three questions:-

*Is there a need for organisations with a responsibility for community safety to come together to discuss how to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour 
*If yes, what should it do? and 
*Who do we need to be part of the group?

The sub group felt that there needed to be a core group of agencies which would include the Police, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Youth Offending Team and Probation.  The core group would invite other agencies and organisations to attend specific meetings or to take part in projects when appropriate.

The sub group recommended that the Safer Communities Partnership was dissolved and the new group be formed. 
Leeway expressed concern at how they would feed into the group and how they would know the contents of the meeting. The partnerships officer suggested adopting an e-mail sign up system which lets partners or agencies know what is being discussed and lets them comment on the issues. Leeway were in agreement with this. GFS Platform had also expressed an interest in signing up. Councillor Sutton stated that the public would be interested in the minutes of the meetings and asked if these would be advertised. The Governance Group Manager stated that if Great Yarmouth Borough Council minutes the meetings these would be published on the councils website. The Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods stated that the Sub Group had agreed that Norfolk Constabulary's Supt's PA would be minuting the meetings of the new group. It was suggested thatthe new group be reviewed after 12 months.
The Partnerships Officer asked that thanks be given to all Partners who had attended Safer Communities Delivery Partnership meetings.
That the Safer Communities Delivery Partnership be dissolved and the creation of the new group be formed.  


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Glenn Buck 
Katryn H 
Mr Albert Jones  

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


In attendance at the above meeting were:
Councillor Lee Sutton, Trevor Chaplin (Group Manager Housing Services), Tracey Jones (GYBC Partnerships Officer), Supt Wiltshire (Norfolk Constabulary), Robert Read (Director of Housing and Neighbourhoods), Linda Mockford (Group Manager Governance), Helen Taylor (Youth Offending Team), Sharon Brooks (Norfolk Probation), J Garrod (CSF Social Engagement Officer), Michelle Fallows (Norfolk Constabulary), Sgt Dan Smith (Norfolk Constabulary), Izzy Barran (Leeway) and Karline Smith (Senior Member Services Officer). 

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